Monthly Archives: March 2010


I met David Gagnon at TEDxNYED a few weeks back. He has been working with Kurt Squire at University of Wisconsin-Madison and told me about their June conference: Games+Learning+Society.  Looks like three+ days of great content, and they’ve added a mobile learning day on Wednesday, 6/9. And, they also are running the GLS Educator Symosium Saturday, 6/12. “The GLS Educator Symposium features panel presentations and round tables from noted scholars in videogames and digital media as well as hands-on workshops in game design, mobile media learning, digital storytelling, and educational videogames.”      And its $10!

Drew Davidson from Carnegie Mellon University is part of this effort and will be exploring “Worked Examples,” something I wrote on earlier, based on an essay by James Paul Gee. Have a look at the Organizers: it’s a solid gathering of some of key thinkers in the Digital Media and Learning space/field, among them, Eric Klopfer, from our mobile learning session at MacArthur Foundation’s DML 2010.