Monthly Archives: April 2010

HASTAC / MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition

MobileEd is honored to be selected as finalist for the HASTAC/ MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition.

On Monday we submitted a budget and 3-minute video for public approval. We’d love to hear your response, your critique, your thoughts.

HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation

MobileEd proposed Open Mobile Learning, a web resource for K12 teachers to integrate mobiles with curriculum—scalable mobile lessons, research, best practices, community. We have a number of great schools collaborating with us on the K12 level, and some great thinker/practitioners from our university collaborators/partners: Matt Kam (Carnegie Mellon, MILLEE), Les Rubenfeld, (RPI, CIPCE), Kurt Squire (U Wisconsin-Madison, ARIS), and Eric Klopfer (MIT).

And succinct coverage in EphBlog, the unofficial Williams College blog.